[EM] definitive or estimated results

Kristofer Munsterhjelm km_elmet at t-online.de
Fri May 24 05:03:10 PDT 2024

On 2024-05-24 09:58, Richard Lung wrote:

> But in multi-member constituencies, the order of importance, to the 
> voters, becomes more and more important, the more seats there are in the 
> constituency. And as the Condorcet winner does not take into account 
> this range of relative choice, it becomes less and less relevant, to 
> more multi-member constituencies.

I agree that bloc Condorcet is a bad idea for multiwinner, at least if 
you want proportionality. I would support something like Ranked Pairs 
loser STV or one of the multiwinner Condorcet generalizations (Schulze 
STV, CPO-STV) instead.

The main problem with Schulze STV and CPO-STV is that if you thought 
single-winner Condorcet methods were hard to understand, you haven't 
seen nothing yet. If I remember correctly, Schulze STV's comparison 
function involves solving a linear program for each comparison.


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