[EM] POLL: Ballots and results

Toby Pereira tdp201b at yahoo.co.uk
Sat May 18 12:20:46 PDT 2024

 Thanks for doing this Kristofer. If I counted correctly Ranked Pairs beat Benham 5-4 with two ties, so not a particularly significant result in that respect. But it must have had at least two more approvals given that Minmax is between them. Perhaps it would have been interesting to have the margins version on the ballot to see how it compared. I think people likely just saw Ranked Pairs on the ballot and left it at that. I'm not sure exactly what the difference between them would be in practice. I think it's been said that winning votes protects against burial better, but if it does that by punishing burial by causing a worse result for everyone, it's not necessarily a good thing. People won't necessarily know the optimum strategy when using a voting system. Ranked ballots all look the same after all.
    On Saturday 18 May 2024 at 00:36:32 BST, Kristofer Munsterhjelm <km_elmet at t-online.de> wrote:  
 Here are the ballots in EM format:

1: Approval > STAR > ApprovalRunoff > Benham = SchwartzWoodall = Woodall 
 > RankedPairs > Minmax > SmithApprovalImplicit > Schulze > Baldwin = 
CondorcetBorda = CopelandBorda = DoubleDefeatHare = MSA = MSMLV = MSTB = 
Raynaud = RCIPE = SmithApprovalExplicit = SmithDAC = SmithScore > MJ > 
IRV > Plurality
1: IRV > STAR > ApprovalRunoff > Approval > Baldwin = Benham = 
CondorcetBorda = CopelandBorda = DoubleDefeatHare = Minmax = MJ = MSA = 
MSMLV = MSTB = RankedPairs = Raynaud = RCIPE = Schulze = SchwartzWoodall 
= SmithApprovalExplicit = SmithApprovalImplicit = SmithDAC = SmithScore 
= Woodall > Plurality
1: MSA > SmithApprovalExplicit = SmithApprovalImplicit = IRV = Benham = 
DoubleDefeatHare > RankedPairs = Schulze > Approval > Minmax > Baldwin = 
CondorcetBorda = CopelandBorda = MSMLV = MSTB = Raynaud = RCIPE = 
SchwartzWoodall = SmithDAC = SmithScore = Woodall > MJ > STAR = 
ApprovalRunoff = Plurality
1: Approval > RankedPairs > STAR > Woodall > SmithDAC > Minmax > RCIPE > 
Benham > MSA > SmithApprovalExplicit > ApprovalRunoff > MSMLV > 
SmithApprovalImplicit > DoubleDefeatHare > Raynaud > Schulze > 
SchwartzWoodall > SmithScore > MJ > Plurality > IRV > CondorcetBorda > 
Baldwin > CopelandBorda
1: STAR > SmithScore > Baldwin = Benham = CondorcetBorda = CopelandBorda 
= Raynaud = Minmax = RankedPairs = Schulze = SchwartzWoodall = 
SmithApprovalExplicit = SmithApprovalImplicit = SmithDAC = Woodall = MSA 
= MSMLV = MSTB > ApprovalRunoff > Approval > RCIPE > DoubleDefeatHare > 
MJ > IRV > Plurality
1: RankedPairs > Schulze = Benham > Woodall > Minmax > SchwartzWoodall > 
SmithApprovalImplicit = SmithApprovalExplicit > SmithScore > Raynaud > 
Baldwin > MJ > DoubleDefeatHare = MSTB = MSMLV = MSA > CopelandBorda > 
SmithDAC > ApprovalRunoff > STAR > RCIPE > CondorcetBorda > Approval > 
IRV > Plurality
1: CondorcetPlur > Minmax > RankedPairs > Schulze > BTRIRV > Baldwin = 
Benham = CondorcetBorda = CopelandBorda = MSA = MSMLV = MSTB = Raynaud = 
SchwartzWoodall = SmithApprovalExplicit = SmithApprovalImplicit = 
SmithDAC = SmithScore = Woodall > IRV > Approval > STAR > Plurality > Score
1: RCIPE > Benham > Minmax > RankedPairs > Woodall > SchwartzWoodall > 
Baldwin > CopelandBorda > CondorcetBorda > Schulze > SmithScore > 
Raynaud > MSTB > MSMLV > SmithDAC > DoubleDefeatHare > IRV > MJ > STAR > 
Approval > MSA > SmithApprovalExplicit > SmithApprovalImplicit > 
Plurality > ApprovalRunoff
1: Approval > SmithScore > MSA > SmithApprovalExplicit > RankedPairs > 
Benham > Minmax > STAR > ApprovalRunoff = Baldwin = CondorcetBorda = 
CopelandBorda = DoubleDefeatHare = IRV = MJ = MSMLV = MSTB = Raynaud = 
RCIPE = Schulze = SchwartzWoodall = SmithApprovalImplicit = SmithDAC = 
Woodall > Plurality
1: STAR > SmithScore > Score > MJ > Approval = SmithApprovalExplicit = 
SmithApprovalImplicit = MSA > ApprovalRunoff = RankedPairs = Schulze > 
Baldwin = Benham = CopelandBorda = MSMLV = MSTB = Raynaud = 
SchwartzWoodall = SmithDAC = Woodall > CondorcetBorda = Minmax > RCIPE > 
IRV > Plurality
1: Benham > SchwartzWoodall > Woodall > RankedPairs > Schulze > MSTB > 
Minmax > BTRIRV > Raynaud > Baldwin > RCIPE > IRV > SmithDAC > MSMLV > 
MSA > SmithApprovalExplicit > SmithApprovalImplicit > SmithScore > 
DoubleDefeatHare > CopelandBorda > CondorcetBorda > Approval > MJ > 
Score > ApprovalRunoff > STAR > Plurality > Borda


Ranked Pairs is the CW -- and Benham beats everybody but Ranked Pairs 
pairwise. This can be verified by going to Rob LeGrand's calculator 
(http://www.cs.angelo.edu/~rlegrand/rbvote/calc.html with mirror 
https://munsterhjelm.no/km/rbvote/calc.html for people outside the US) 
and selecting "calculate all winners".

Here are the Schulze results:

1      Ranked Pairs (wv)
2      Benham
3      Approval
        Minmax (wv)
7      Smith//Score
8      Margins-Sorted Approval
        Schwartz Woodall
        Smith//Approval (implicit)
12      Smith//Approval (explicit)
13      Raynaud
14      Baldwin
15      Max Strength Transitive Beatpath
16      Margins-Sorted Minimum Losing Votes
18      Copeland//Borda (Ranked Robin)
19      Condorcet//Borda (Black)
20      Approval with manual runoff
        Double Defeat, Hare
23      Majority Judgement
24      IRV
25      Plurality
26      BTR-IRV (write-in)
27      Score (write-in)
28      Borda (write-in)
        Condorcet//Plurality (write-in)

The Approval voting results:

1      Ranked Pairs (wv)
2      Minmax (wv)
3      Benham
6      Approval
7      Approval with manual runoff
        Margins-Sorted Approval
10      Schwartz Woodall
        Smith//Approval (explicit)
        Smith//Approval (implicit)
14      Baldwin
        BTR-IRV (write-in)
        Condorcet//Borda (Black)
        Condorcet//Plurality (write-in)
        Copeland//Borda (Ranked Robin)
        Double Defeat, Hare
        Majority Judgement
        Margins-Sorted Minimum Losing Votes
        Max Strength Transitive Beatpath
        Score (write-in)
28      Borda (write-in)

and for fun, Schulze with ties broken by Approval:

1      Ranked Pairs (wv)
2      Benham
3      Minmax (wv)
4      STAR
5      Approval
6      Schulze
7      Smith//Score
8      Woodall
9      Margins-Sorted Approval
10      Schwartz Woodall
        Smith//Approval (implicit)
12      Smith//Approval (explicit)
13      Raynaud
14      Baldwin
15      Max Strength Transitive Beatpath
16      Margins-Sorted Minimum Losing Votes
18      Copeland//Borda (Ranked Robin)
19      Condorcet//Borda (Black)
20      Approval with manual runoff
21      Double Defeat, Hare
23      Majority Judgement
24      IRV
25      Plurality
26      BTR-IRV (write-in)
27      Score (write-in)
28      Condorcet//Plurality (write-in)
29      Borda (write-in)

This should be accurate, but if you spot a typo or other mistake 
somewhere, let me know.

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