[EM] POLL: New deadline: 2024-05-16 05:15:00 UTC
Michael Ossipoff
email9648742 at gmail.com
Sun May 12 11:48:57 PDT 2024
It depends on what you mean by “significance”.
I don’t think statistical significance to infer about the larger population
is our goal.
The result undeniably signifies what pairbeats everything else among the
… or, if no CW, then which alternative best qualifies by popular criteria.
…what would be chosen by this electorate if we were making a choice.
3 times I was in a group of about 4 people who had to choose among several
things (an initiative-proposal, an LWV endorsement, & a movie for a
family-group to go to).
All 3 times I conducted an election by MinMax(wv).
No one asked if the result was significant. It was to make a
collective-choice that had to be made.
A survey would find out how many people best-like what. A poll by a
multi-alternative method better aggregates a group’s collective
preference…to show what would be chosen according to one or more reasonable
There’s no particular reason to not resubmit your ballot if you want to.
But you needn’t unless you want to. Your most recent ballot has already
been recorded, & I have no doubt whatsoever that it will be counted after
the new deadline.
If you want to modify it before the deadline, then of course you can post
your new ballot.
But of course certainly everyone’s most recent ballot will be counted,
regardless of when it was posted.
On Sun, May 12, 2024 at 09:24 robert bristow-johnson <
rbj at audioimagination.com> wrote:
> We need not resubmit our vote, right?
> I haven't seen posted here more than a couple other ballots. How many
> have voted?
> I also am skeptical about the usefulness of the results (I presume a
> pairwise preference matrix and approval tallies) but will be interested
> anyway.
> But we need dozens voting to have anything of any significance.
> *Powered by Cricket Wireless*
> ------ Original message------
> *From: *Kristofer Munsterhjelm
> *Date: *Sun, May 12, 2024 06 :47
> *To: *Michael Ossipoff;
> *Cc: *election-methods at lists.electorama.com;
> *Subject:*[EM] POLL: New deadline: 2024-05-16 05:15:00 UTC
> On 2024-05-11 22:18, Michael Ossipoff wrote:
> > If 5 days gives more people time to choose a ranking, the deadline
> > having caught them unprepared, then that sounds better. I vote for 5.
> >
> > Also, more time for people to say what they meant to about method-merit.
> Since there's been no objection to extending the deadline, let's set the
> new deadline to 5 days from the last one.
> That is, the new deadline is 2024-05-16 05
> :15:00 UTC.
> -km
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