[EM] Countering FairVote propaganda on Wikipedia

Michael Ossipoff email9648742 at gmail.com
Sat Mar 16 14:25:33 PDT 2024

On Sat, Mar 16, 2024 at 13:53 robert bristow-johnson <
rbj at audioimagination.com> wrote:

> Is the description about Burlington 2009 accurate?  I am not sure exactly
> what is meant by "mutual majority of voters".  The paragraph sounds very
> wonky.


The majority-size set of voters who all prefer eachother’s single-favorites
to everyone else.

[end of Mutual Majority definition]

There can’t be more than one mutual-majority.

(…other than maybe one inside the other.)

There isn’t always one. Hare—due to its elimination of least favorite, &
its transfers, & its election of the 1st candidate to top a majority of
ballots—elects the favorite of the largest faction of a majority, which
might not always be mutual.

…but it can be said that if there’s a mutual-majority, then Hare will elect
the favorite of the largest faction of that mutual-majority.

I used to say that that means that Hare indeed gives a majority guarantee.
But that’s misleading, because the winner isn’t the favorite of the
mutual-majority, but only if its largest faction.

It has only a plurality among the mutual majority.

So the IRVists’ majority claim is deceptive (…as is their claim that your
ballot always helps your 2nd choice against your last choice)

As I said, I like Hare for parlor-elections for a pizza-topping or a movie,
but that’s all.

It has unnecessary, potentially-ruinous strategy-problems.

I used to point out that, when it eliminates a low-favoriteness CW, it
moves the win in the direction preferred by the median voters…i.e. in the
progressive direction… electing someone even more progressive.  Nothing
wrong with that, right?

But there are likely more than one other progressive candidate to whom the
CW’s voters can transfer…& then Hare’s favoritness standard can lead to a
silly flippant idiosyncratic choice.

Much better to just elect the CW, who pairbeats everyone, & who has stable
solid broad support.

…but for pizza-toppings or movies, Hare is great!!

> --
> r b-j . _ . _ . _ . _ rbj at audioimagination.com
> "Imagination is more important than knowledge."
> .
> .
> .
> ----
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