[EM] Double Defeat Hare

Kevin Venzke stepjak at yahoo.fr
Sun Jun 23 20:34:31 PDT 2024

Double Defeat,Hare means you form a candidate ranking using the IRV elimination order and then you elect the first (i.e. best, last-eliminated) candidate in the ranking who is permissible under Chris Benham's Double Defeat criterion. The criterion says you can't be elected if you have less approval than a candidate who pairwise defeats you.

The comma is key to deciphering the name.


 Le dimanche 23 juin 2024 à 22:03:06 UTC−5, Ted Stern <dodecatheon at gmail.com> a écrit :

Richard, I believe Double defeat Hare is also known as RCIPE.


On Sat, Jun 22, 2024, 07:43 Richard, the VoteFair guy <electionmethods at votefair.org> wrote:
> On 6/22/2024 1:31 AM, Chris Benham wrote:
>  > I think those of us who are extra hung-up about frustrating Burial
>  > should look more closely at Double Defeat, Hare.  ...
> What is Double Defeat Hare?
> I didn't try to find it on Electowiki because lately that website has 
> not been responding when I click on links to it.
> Richard Fobes
> the VoteFair guy
> (and now the only Richard here)

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