[EM] inaccurate Fargo approval voting results

robert bristow-johnson rbj at audioimagination.com
Sat Jun 8 13:18:35 PDT 2024

> On 06/08/2024 4:06 PM EDT Michael Garman <michael.garman at rankthevote.us> wrote:
> Apologies; I misread your post and that’s not what you said.

You may have noticed that I quoted *your* organization (that has a nice mugshot of you), not FairVote.

> The guarantee is that you’ll get to vote that way, not that you’ll always win.

And it's a false guarantee.  Proven so in four RCV elections (about 0.8%) in the U.S.  Two of those four elections could have provided that comfort (there is no guarantee) to voters, but for the failure of the method to tally the vote.


r b-j . _ . _ . _ . _ rbj at audioimagination.com

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."


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