[EM] inaccurate Fargo approval voting results

robert bristow-johnson rbj at audioimagination.com
Sat Jun 8 12:59:41 PDT 2024

> On 06/08/2024 3:33 PM EDT Michael Garman <michael.garman at rankthevote.us> wrote:
> I’m just asking that everyone be held to the same standards, Robert.

Same here.  You may have noticed that I am also pretty hard on CES and Equal Vote Coalition even though now I am on pretty friendly terms with Nina Taylor (now CEO of CES) and with Arend Castelein and Sass at EVC (or even Rob Richie at FV).

But I am hard on any of these three organizations (or their surrogates) when they oversell the product.

Even your own organization is lying right outa the box with this:

"This means that if their favorite (1st choice) cannot win the election, their vote instantly counts toward their next choice. This type of power helps voters succeed in two kinds of election scenarios:
As a voter, with Ranked Choice Voting, you can always vote for the candidate you truly love without the fear of “throwing your vote away”. Even if your favorite is not a front-runner, you have backup choices, so your vote is never wasted, and your voice is always heard."

Sure, you can vote that way, but RCV does not guarantee that the voter doesn't shoot themselves in the foot when the actually *do* vote for the candidate they truly love.  They may be well-advised to fear "throwing their vote away."

The Condorcet folks don't make the outlandish claims, so our product appears to people to perform less well, but it's really that we don't make outlandish claims.


r b-j . _ . _ . _ . _ rbj at audioimagination.com

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."


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