[EM] Open letter to STAR voting promoters

robert bristow-johnson rbj at audioimagination.com
Tue Jun 4 17:02:17 PDT 2024

> On 06/04/2024 6:59 PM EDT Michael Ossipoff <email9648742 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Robert is continuing to repeat his usual bigoted dogma schpiel with, as always, no answer to objections.

It's not always.  And I have a right to select.  I got finite energy.

> That’s what makes it bigoted dogma instead of discussion.

Oh dear.  What class or group have I been targeting?

(Oh, T**** assholes.  Being an election poll worker and previously a very low-level elected "Inspector of Election", I ain't neutral about T**** trying to steal an election, acting like rules don't apply to him, inciting insurrection and chaos and simply lying about everything, including how the elections had been conducted.  If that makes me a bigot, so be it.  I think T**** has harmed the nation far more than Julius and Ethel Rosenberg did and deserves exactly the same punishment they got.  Hillary didn't even scratch the surface with her "deplorables" comment.  These T****ers are deplorable bigoted assholes that are beyond reason.  They are just harmful.  Instead of migrants, we should be deporting T****ers.  We can't reason with them.  They're brain-dead.  The only thing we can do is defeat them.)

> That’s a violation of this mailing-list’s specified rules-of-conduct.

I thought you were plonking me.

> Maybe those rules should be attached to the top of each thread. …& enforced.
> BTW, CES recommends Approval, & rarely if ever mentions Score.

Clay S.

Equal Vote coalition mentions Condorcet (approvingly).  But they're STAR advocacy.


r b-j . _ . _ . _ . _ rbj at audioimagination.com

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."


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