[EM] Open letter to STAR voting promoters

Michael Ossipoff email9648742 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 4 15:59:34 PDT 2024

Robert is continuing to repeat his usual bigoted dogma schpiel with, as
always, no answer to objections.

That’s what makes it bigoted dogma instead of discussion.

That’s a violation of this mailing-list’s specified rules-of-conduct.

Maybe those rules should be attached to the top of each thread. …& enforced.

BTW, CES recommends Approval, & rarely if ever mentions Score.

> On Tuesday 4 June 2024 at 18:12:19 BST, robert bristow-johnson <
> rbj at audioimagination.com> wrote:
> > They are easier to fill out.
> That's horseshit.  Requires voters to not only say who they prefer over
> the others, but then they have to figure out *how* *much* they prefer that
> candidate over the others and then they have to figure out whether or not
> they're shooting themselves in the foot by ranking some second-choice (or
> lesser evil) higher or lower.  In any Cardinal system and whenever there
> are 3 or more candidates (especially if they are non-trivial candidates),
> the voter is faced with the decision of how much to score (or whether to
> approve) their second-choice (or lesser evil) candidate.  Score them too
> high and you hurt your favorite.  Score too low and you help your greater
> evil.
> You CES guys keep repeating this falsehood with ***zero*** evidence.  And
> it doesn't even make common sense.
> ----
> Election-Methods mailing list - see https://electorama.com/em for list
> info
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