[EM] Quitting list. Posting ballots & nominations.

Michael Garman michael.garman at rankthevote.us
Mon Jul 22 18:24:51 PDT 2024

Goodbye, Michael.

I’ll miss our spirited discussions! Genuinely. We may have needled each
other more than was productive, but you challenged me to expand my
perspectives. I hope I at least occasionally did the same for you. If you
ever want to pick it up, you know where to find me.

I’ll also note that Rob sent me a similarly nasty message insulting my
intelligence. Truly a class act.

On Mon, Jul 22, 2024 at 9:21 PM Michael Ossipoff <email9648742 at gmail.com>

> Hypocritical Little Emperor has just warned that he could “kick [me] off
> the list”.
> Take your list & cram it, Rob.
> Cancel my membership.
> Nominations:
> Peter Sonsky
> Claudia de la Cruz
> Michelle Obama
> Kamala Harris
> Ballots, in order of posting:
> Ballot #1:
> Condorcet ranking:
> Stein
> de la Cruz
> West
> Williamson
> Sonsky
> ——approval-line——
> Michelle Obama
> =====
> RCV & STV ranking:
> Same as above, but append at bottom:
> Any Democrat 🐀 nominated instead of Williamson or Michelle
> Oliver
> =======
> Party-PR:
> Green
> Ballot #2:
> Williamson
> Harris
> ———approval-line———
> West
> Stein
> Kennedy
> Oliver
> Sonsky
> de la Cruz
> Trump
> =======
> Party-PR:
> Peace & Freedom Party
> Ballot #3:
> Harris
> All not listed
> Trump
> Ballot #4:
> Rank 1: de la Cruz, Stein
> Rank 2: West, Sonsky, Michelle Obama
> ———-approval-line———-
> Williamson
> Trump
> Harris (I’m assuming that substitution, given Biden’s withdrawal, but that
> might need updating.)
> =======
> Party-PR:
> African People’s Socialist Party
> ----
> Election-Methods mailing list - see https://electorama.com/em for list
> info
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