[EM] A more particular mutual-majority & weaker MMC

Michael Ossipoff email9648742 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 1 23:54:42 PDT 2024

Lately I’ve been referring to a more particular mutual-majority than the

A top-mutual-majority is a mutual majority, a solid coalition, for which
the set of candidates that they all prefer to everyone else consists of the
set containing the favorite candidate of each of them.

I guess, then, any method meeting MMC would meet top-MMC, but not
vice-versa, which, then, means top-MMC is weaker

I’ve lately been using “mutual-majority” to mean “top-mutual-majority”…

…when I say that Hare always chooses from a mutual-majority when there is

According to Electowiki, Hare also always chooses from a solid coalition
when there is one.

Burlington, Alaska & many polls suggest that our electorate, the
progressives are the top-mutual-majority.

…& therefore can’t lose in Hare.
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