[EM] Poll on voting-systems, to inform voters in upcoming enactment-elections

KenB kdbearman at gmail.com
Fri Apr 5 18:22:56 PDT 2024

On 4/5/2024 6:38 PM, robert bristow-johnson wrote:
> What's the name of the third party that has a presidential primary in 
> which Minnesota prints ballots for?
= = = = =
[KB]  The current third major party is the Legal Marijuana Now Party.  
The former fourth major party until 2022 was the Grassroots-Legalize 
Cannabis Party.  In the past other parties have been "third" major 
parties (recently, e.g., Green and Independence, which some may 
recognize from Jesse Ventura's election as Governor).

(If you want to look into the way a party qualifies or loses its status, 
see https://www.revisor.mn.gov/statutes/cite/200.02#stat.200.02.7 .)

In Minnesota's statewide primary election in August, all major parties 
appear on one ballot, each in a separate column.  Voters must choose 
candidates in only one column.  If they choose candidates in multiple 
columns, the tabulator will stop and report the error to the voter.  
S/he may get a fresh ballot and try again if s/he chooses.  If not, the 
tabulator won't count marks for the partisan offices marked in those 
columns but will count those for nonpartisan offices such as judges.
   - Ken Bearman, Minneapolis MN

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