[EM] Legacy IRV limitations
Michael Garman
michael.garman at rankthevote.us
Sun Dec 17 09:50:38 PST 2023
I wouldn’t know as I’m not affiliated with the RCVRC.
It’s extremely shortsighted of you to keep letting the perfect be the enemy
of the good. Attacking FairVote as part of a conspiracy instead of offering
constructive criticism to the most powerful election reformers out there is
going to ensure that we remain stuck with FPTP. You have no evidence for
your claims of any kind of collusion — because it doesn’t exist.
On Sun, Dec 17, 2023 at 12:35 PM Richard, the VoteFair guy <
electionmethods at votefair.org> wrote:
> On 12/16/2023 9:04 PM, Michael Garman wrote:
> > The Ranked Choice Voting Resource Center is an independent entity fully
> > unaffiliated with FairVote. Hope this helps!
> Thank you, Michael, for clarifying that the Ranked Choice Voting
> Resource Center RCVRC is not officially(!) affiliated with FairVote.
> Then why does RCVRC have the same misunderstanding that the leader of
> the FairVote organization has been pushing for decades?
> Especially, I'd like to understand why RCVRC pushed onto the Portland
> Oregon election officials the idea that skipping(!) "overvotes" was a
> recommended option. That's worse than ignoring the remaining rankings!
> That skipping option works in Australia where a voter hand-writes a
> number next to each candidate's name. (They don't have to worry about
> "ballot real estate" because there is just one box for each candidate.)
> But it doesn't make sense here in the U.S. where we mark ovals in
> "choice" columns. And where ballot real estate is very important.
> (In fact, the upcoming statewide referendum for Oregon adopts RCV for
> just a limited number of contests because election officials were
> concerned that adopting it would cause Oregon ballots to require more
> than one sheet of paper.)
> I see that your website -- RankTheVoteNYC.org -- shows that in your NYC
> elections "The scanner will reject any ballot where you mark more than
> one candidate for the same rank – in other words, if you fill in more
> than one oval in the same column."
> Does RCVRC not know that it's easy to correctly count those marks?
> (Just pair up equivalent ballots and allocate those "paired" ballots in
> equal numbers to those same-ranked candidates.)
> Richard Fobes
> The VoteFair guy
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