[EM] Condorcet meeting
Forest Simmons
forest.simmons21 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 28 10:24:40 PDT 2023
For practical purposes, this appeals to me the most so far.
But the question remains about how to determine the number N.
Why not just use the number ranked (or approved, as the case may be) on the
average primary ballot?
On Sun, Aug 27, 2023, 12:42 PM C.Benham <cbenham at adam.com.au> wrote:
> I am strongly of the view that the best practical way to narrow down the
> field of candidates in one big open primary
> to N candidates should be to just use strict ranking ballots with voters
> able to rank as many or as few candidates as they like,
> and just select the IRV (aka STV) last N candidatesI
> I worry that if the use of approval ballots for this purpose is promoted,
> the powers-that-be won't be interested in anything
> more complicated than "just select the N most approved candidates" and
> (if the election is for an important powerful office)
> we will be left with N corporatist clones.
> In say the US presidential election, there is (or can be) quite a bit of
> time and campaigning between the primary election and
> the main general election, so I don't think it matters much if candidates
> without much "approval" in the primary make it on to
> the ballot for the final general election.
> Chris Benham
> *Forest Simmons* forest.simmons21 at gmail.com
> <election-methods%40lists.electorama.com?Subject=Re%3A%20%5BEM%5D%20Condorcet%20meeting&In-Reply-To=%3CCANUDvfr_qEUF%3DTUVz%3DNP-rt5OkgtkV7VCoOHHeZvmxCwW90vag%40mail.gmail.com%3E>
> *Sat Aug 26 15:03:20 PDT 2023*
> -
> ------------------------------
> I
> The choice of n should be flexible enough that if two candidates both had
> more than 70 percent approval, and nobody else got more than 49 percent,
> then n should be only two.
> Perhaps every finalist should have at least 71 percent (about root .5) of
> the approval of the candidate with the most approval opposition to the max
> approval candidate.
> That 71 percent parameter is open to adjustment .
> The idea is that we should admit into the final stage anybody with almost
> as much approval as Chris Benham's max approval opposition challenger.
> fws
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