Colin Champion colin.champion at routemaster.app
Fri Aug 18 13:58:48 PDT 2023

Forest - I read fpdk's post as an implicit argument for cardinal voting 
(which was why it was relevant to STAR). Each friend states the utility 
of each topping to himself or herself: which topping do they choose 
collectively? And the answer is the one whose sum of utilities is 
greatest. I don't think there's a better answer.

On 18/08/2023 21:50, Forest Simmons wrote:
> He posed a pizza choice among friends pronlem.. a problem of consensus 
> as opposed to "tyranny of the majority" ... how to find the best 
> consensus decision when a simple majority first place preference would 
> not be ideal.
> On Fri, Aug 18, 2023, 10:41 AM Colin Champion 
> <colin.champion at routemaster.app 
> <mailto:colin.champion at routemaster.app>> wrote:
>     Forest – I may be being slow, but... what problem are you trying
>     to solve? The problem which fpdk (quite plausibly, to my mind)
>     said was optimally solved by cardinal voting? Or the problem which
>     I claimed was optimally solved by decision theory? Or something to
>     do with tactical voting?
>        CJC
>     On 18/08/2023 18:32, Forest Simmons wrote:
>>     It's been a while since I thought about this but here's something
>>     that somebody with some number crunching resources should
>>     experiment with ... a lottery method that I used to call "the
>>     ultimate lottery" back before Jobst invented MaxParC, which
>>     arguably has at least an equal claim to ultimateness:
>>     Ballots are positive homogeneous functions of the candidate
>>     probability variables. The homogeneity degree doesn't matter as
>>     long as all of the  ballots are of the same degree.
>>     The candidate probabilities are chosen to maximize the product of
>>     the ballots.
>>     This candidate probability distribution can be realized as a
>>     spinner. The spinner is spun to determine the winner.
>>     How would this work for our pizza example?
>>     For example, each voter's ballot could be her pizza desirability
>>     [score] expectation as a function of the lottery probabilities.
>>     Then each A faction voter would submit the same ballot ... namely
>>     the function given by the expression
>>     100pA+80pC, while each B faction voter would submit the expression
>>     100pB+80pC.
>>     When these ballots are multiplied together, we get the product
>>     (100pA+80pC)^60×(100pB+80pC)^40.
>>     The p values that maximize this product (subject to the
>>     constraint that they are non-negative and sum to 100 percent) are
>>     pA=pB=0, and pC=100%.
>>     The lottery that maximizes the expectation product is called the
>>     Nash lottery after John Nash who first used this idea for
>>     efficient allocation of limited resources.
>>     Since expectations are linear combinations of the probabilities,
>>     they are homogeneous of degree one ... one person, on vote. Their
>>     product is homogeneous of degree n ... so n people, n votes.
>>     Instead of using voter expectations for their ballots, the voters
>>     could have used other homogeneous expressions ... for example, by
>>     simply replacing each sum of products by a max of the same products.
>>     The product of these modified ballots would be ...
>>     [max(100pA,80pC)]^60
>>     ×[max(100pB,80pC)]^40.
>>     Maximization of this product with the same constraints as before,
>>     yields the same consensus distribution ... pC=100%.
>>     This information is new in the sense that it has never been
>>     submitted for official publication ... it's an exclusive bonus of
>>     Rob Lanphier's EM list archive... first posted to this list back
>>     in 2011 after Jobst and I published our 2010 paper on the use of
>>     mixed strategies for achieving consensus.
>>     Anyway, it turns out that using the Max operator in place of the
>>     Sum operator yields a distribution with less entropy whenever the
>>     two distributions are not identical.
>>     Less entropy means less randomness, which means less chance,
>>     which in this context, means more consensus.
>>     In our example, the candidate distribution turned out to be 100
>>     percent  candidate C ... zero randomness ... zero entropy ... 100
>>     percent consensus.
>>     Now you can see why I mentioned the need for number crunching
>>     capability ... experimenting with these ballot product
>>     maximizations requires some serious number crunching.
>>     The field is wide open. Is the Ultimate Lottery Method strongly
>>     monotonic? For that matter, how about even the Nash Lottery?
>>     Can MaxParC be formulated in terms of the Ultimate Lottery?
>>     Somebody with some grad students should get them going on this!
>>     fws
>>     On Thu, Aug 17, 2023, 11:10 AM Forest Simmons
>>     <forest.simmons21 at gmail.com <mailto:forest.simmons21 at gmail.com>>
>>     wrote:
>>         Suppose voter utilities for three kinds of pizza are
>>         60 A[100]>C[80]>>B[0]
>>         40 B[100]>C[80]>>A[0]
>>         Suppose the voters must choose by majority choice between
>>         pizza C and the favorite pizza of a voter to be determined by
>>         randomly drawing a voter name from a hat.
>>         The random drawing method would give voter utility
>>         expectations of
>>         60%100+40%0 for each A groupie, and
>>         40%100+60%0 for each B groupie.
>>         The max utility expectation would be 60.
>>         On the other hand, if voters decide to go with the sure deal
>>         C, the assured utility fo every voter will be 80.
>>         Every rational voter faced with this choice will choose C.
>>         Here we have an ostensibly random method that is sure to
>>         yield a consensus decision when voters vote ratkonally.
>>         More on this topic at
>>         https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Properties-of-common-group-decision-methods-Nash-Lottery-and-MaxParC-Solid-and-dashed_fig3_342120971
>>         <https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Properties-of-common-group-decision-methods-Nash-Lottery-and-MaxParC-Solid-and-dashed_fig3_342120971>
>>         fws
>>         On Thu, Aug 17, 2023, 1:18 AM Forest Simmons
>>         <forest.simmons21 at gmail.com
>>         <mailto:forest.simmons21 at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>             The best methods that I know of for the friends context
>>             are minimum entropy lottery methods characterized by max
>>             possible consensus (min entropy) consistent with a
>>             proportional lottery method with higher entropy fallback
>>             to disincentivize  gratuitous defection.
>>             Jobst's MaxParC (Max Partial Consensus) is the best example.
>>             Too late to elaborate tonight.
>>             fws
>>             I'll
>>             On Wed, Aug 16, 2023, 10:01 AM <fdpk69p6uq at snkmail.com
>>             <mailto:fdpk69p6uq at snkmail.com>> wrote:
>>                 On Mon, Aug 14, 2023 at 12:09 AM C.Benham wrote:
>>                     >   I think this is an interesting point. We can
>>                     ask at a philosophical level what makes a good
>>                     voting method. Is it just one that ticks the most
>>                     boxes, or is it one that most reliably gets the
>>                     "best" result?
>>                 The one that most reliably gets the best result in
>>                 the real world. The difficulty with this approach is
>>                 accurately modeling human voting behavior and the
>>                 consequent utility experienced from the winner, but
>>                 it's still the better answer philosophically.
>>                 (Note that VSE predates Jameson Quinn by decades, and
>>                 has had several different names:
>>                 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_utility_efficiency
>>                 <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_utility_efficiency>)
>>                     > And that's partly because the premise of
>>                     Condorcet is essentially built on a logical
>>                     fallacy - basically that if A is preferred to B
>>                     on more ballots that vice versa then electing A must
>>                     > be a better result than electing B.
>>                     I'd be interested in reading your explanation of
>>                     why you think that is a
>>                     "logical fallacy".  What about if there are only
>>                     two candidates?
>>                 Ranked ballots can't capture strength of preference.
>>                 It's possible for a majority-preferred candidate to
>>                 be very polarizing (loved by 51% and hated by 49%),
>>                 while the minority-preferred candidate is
>>                 broadly-liked and has a much higher overall
>>                 approval/favorability rating.  Which candidate is the
>>                 rightful winner?
>>                 https://leastevil.blogspot.com/2012/03/tyranny-of-majority-weak-preferences.html
>>                 <https://leastevil.blogspot.com/2012/03/tyranny-of-majority-weak-preferences.html>
>>                 "Suppose you and a pair of friends are looking to
>>                 order a pizza. You, and one friend, really like
>>                 mushrooms, and prefer them over all other vegetable
>>                 options, but you both also really, /really/ like
>>                 pepperoni. Your other friend also really likes
>>                 mushrooms, and prefers them over all other options,
>>                 but they're also vegetarian. What one topping should
>>                 you get?
>>                 Clearly the answer is mushrooms, and there is no
>>                 group of friends worth calling themselves such who
>>                 would conclude otherwise. It's so obvious that it
>>                 hardly seems worth calling attention to. So why is
>>                 it, that if we put this decision up to a vote, do so
>>                 many election methods, which are otherwise seen as
>>                 perfectly reasonable methods, fail? Plurality,
>>                 top-two runoffs
>>                 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-round_system>,
>>                 instant runoff voting
>>                 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Instant-runoff_voting>,
>>                 all variations of Condorcet's method
>>                 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Condorcet_method>, even
>>                 Bucklin voting
>>                 <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bucklin_voting>; all of
>>                 them, incorrectly, choose pepperoni."
>>                 (And strength of preference is clearly a real thing
>>                 in our brains.  If you prefer A > B > C, and are
>>                 given the choice between Box 1, which contains B, and
>>                 Box 2, which has a 50/50 chance of containing A or C,
>>                 which do you choose?  What if the probability were 1
>>                 in a million of Box 2 containing C?  By varying the
>>                 probability until it's impossible to decide, you can
>>                 measure the relative strength of preference for B > C
>>                 vs A > C.)
>>                 ----
>>                 Election-Methods mailing list - see
>>                 https://electorama.com/em <https://electorama.com/em>
>>                 for list info
>>     ----
>>     Election-Methods mailing list - seehttps://electorama.com/em  <https://electorama.com/em>  for list info
>     ----
>     Election-Methods mailing list - see https://electorama.com/em
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