[EM] Non-monotonic, unmonotonic and monotonic STV.

Richard Lung voting at ukscientists.com
Fri Oct 7 10:18:54 PDT 2022

On 07/10/2022 10:05, Richard Lung wrote:
> Non-monotonic, unmonotonic and monotonic STV.
> A decided judgment on the single transferable vote is that it is 
> non-monotonic. Strictly speaking, tho, this is an incorrect use of 
> language. Because STV surplus transfers are monotonic. Non-monotonic 
> is an untoward effect, in the potentially different elimination of 
> least prefered candidates. But altogether, STV is not non-monotonic; 
> it is partly monotonic. STV might better be called unmonotonic. It is 
> only residualy non-monotonic.
> I claimed that Binomial STV is completely monotonic, on the grounds 
> that it complements the monotonic surplus transfers election count, 
> with a like exclusion count, with the preferences reversed. (Binomial 
> STV does not eliminate [or elect] candidates during its count procedure.)
> Kristofer challenged my right to claim monotonicity, saying he didn’t 
> know any system of STV that wasn’t non-monotonic. My thanks to 
> Kristofer for his test on Binomial STV. He admitted it is monotonic, 
> giving as a reason, that it counts abstentions.
> Regards,
> Richard Lung.
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