[EM] Ballot Data Format

Carl Schroedl carlschroedl at gmail.com
Thu May 27 15:15:55 PDT 2021

Hi All,

Another source of inspiration could be the Pivot Libre project's Ballot
File Format. Documentation is hosted on GitHub pages.


Issues and contributions can be made on GitHub.


I'm interested in staying in the loop on any ranked ballot community
standards efforts. I don't have time to drive the conversation right now.

Whether or not the specifics of BFF are to the community's liking, I
recommend considering using a similar approach with GitHub as a
collaboration and website site hosting platform. I believe several
organizations have used this approach successfully for some fairly complex



All the best,


On Thu, May 27, 2021, 3:34 PM John Karr <brainbuz at brainbuz.org> wrote:

> As the author of Vote::Count, a standardized format for ballots would be
> a big plus. When I've been able to collect sample data, the first thing
> I need to do is convert it to my format. Currently Vote::Count has two
> formats, a text one for ranked ballots and a json/yaml format for range
> ballots. The documentation on my formats is here:
> https://metacpan.org/pod/Vote::Count::ReadBallots
> I'm not on Reddit, but I think creating a working group of people with
> an interest to propose a standard would be  a great idea, and I'm
> interested in helping.
> A standard format would allow creation of a library of data for which
> electowiki would seem to be a natural home.
> On 5/27/21 4:02 PM, election-methods-request at lists.electorama.com wrote:
> > Send Election-Methods mailing list submissions to
> >       election-methods at lists.electorama.com
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> >
> > Today's Topics:
> >
> >     1. (no subject) (Rob Lanphier)
> >
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> >
> > Message: 1
> > Date: Wed, 26 May 2021 23:38:14 -0700
> > From: Rob Lanphier <roblan at gmail.com>
> > To: election-methods at lists.electorama.com
> > Subject: [EM] (no subject)
> > Message-ID:
> >       <CAK9hOYn2T=ympC7gEd8wS_8S8yjzK==
> xsmEfNKWo99cBjaXDgA at mail.gmail.com>
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> >
> > Hi folks,
> >
> > There's an interesting discussion happening on reddit about ASCII
> > formats for aggregated ballot images.  I'll provide a deep link to my
> > comment here:
> >
> > <
> https://www.reddit.com/r/EndFPTP/comments/nkm2cd/standardizing_cardinal_ballot_notation/gzls6pj/
> >
> >
> > What the original reddit poster (/user/jman722) made me realize is
> > that it's possible to come up with a format that works for both range
> > ballots and ranked ballots.  The range ballots can be on a scale of
> > 0-5, where 5 is "awesome", and 0 is "awful".  The ranked ballots can
> > be A>B>C.
> >
> > I'm going to use the example that the original reddit poster made:
> >
> > 12: Allie/5, Billy/5, Candace/4, Dennis/3, Edith/3, Frank/2, Georgie/1,
> Harold/0
> > 7: Allie/4, Billy/0, Candace/2, Dennis/3, Edith/1, Frank/0, Georgie/5,
> Harold/3
> > 5: Allie/0, Billy/3, Candace/2, Dennis/3, Edith/4, Frank/5, Georgie/3,
> Harold/4
> >
> > That format is good but not great.  It takes a careful eye to see that
> > Allie, Billy, Frank, and Georgie are the passionate favorites (earning
> > a "5" score), and another close look to see that Allie, Billy, Frank,
> > and Harold are listed as completely unacceptable (earning a "0" score)
> >
> > My old format that I used for my 1996 Perl script that I wrote and
> > published in The Perl Journal would express those ballots this way:
> >
> > 12: Allie=Billy>Candace>Dennis=Edith>Frank>Georgie>Harold
> > 7: Georgie>Allie>Dennis=Harold>Candace>Edith>Billy=Frank
> > 5: Frank>Edith=Harold>Billy=Dennis=Georgie>Candace>Allie
> >
> > With this format, it becomes clear that 12 voters really like Allie
> > and Billy and really don't like Harold.  The next 7 voters really like
> > Georgie, and really don't like Billy and Frank.  The remaining 5
> > voters really like Frank, but really dislike Allie.  One has to add up
> > 12+7+5 to realize there are 24 voters in this election.
> >
> > The ratings are stripped from my old 1996-ish format.  It only
> > provides the following parse tokens:
> >
> > [quantity]: [cand5yay] [> or =] [cand4good] [> or =] ... [cand0boo]
> >
> > It seems as though it would be possible to come up with a merged
> > format that would express the range ballots above like this:
> >
> > 12: Allie/5 =Billy/5 >Candace/4 >Dennis/3 =Edith/3 >Frank/2 >Georgie/1
> >Harold/0
> > 7: Georgie/5 >Allie/4 >Dennis/3 =Harold/3 >Candace/2 >Edith/1 >Billy/0
> =Frank/0
> > 5: Frank/5 >Edith/4 =Harold/4 >Billy/3 =Dennis/3 =Georgie/3 >Candace/2
> >Allie/0
> >
> > The ">", "=", and "," characters could all be optional delimiters
> > between the candidate/score tuples on each line (though at least one
> > of those three delimiters WOULD be required). If ">" or "=" is used as
> > a delimiter, then the candidates MUST be ordered by score (highest
> > score first). Candidate tokens can be one or more ASCII characters
> > ([A-Z] or [a-z]) OR the candidate token MUST start with a square
> > bracket ([) and end with the closing square bracket (]), and the
> > intervening text can be any unicode character (e.g. [Do?a Garc?a
> > M?rquez] or [Ximena Pe?a] or [???]) . Whitespace can be discarded, but
> > SHOULD be included for legibility.
> >
> > Linters could be created to deduplicate ballot lines, sort the
> > candidate by score on each line, convert commas to ">" and "=" (for
> > ranked ballot equivalents), and add whitespace for readability. They
> > could optionally normalize the candidates to a range of ASCII letters
> > (e.g. changing "Allie" to "A", "Billy" to "B", etc).
> >
> > The goal would be to make it useful for two people debating whether
> > the Condorcet criterion or the Monotonicity criterion is more
> > important. They could both easily crank out a set of ballots that
> > could be fed into either a ranked-ballot counter or a rated-ballot
> > counter. Having the candidate tuples sorted in each line makes it
> > clearer what the preferences were of the set of voters represented by
> > the given line.
> >
> > I think that parsers could be written for this format such that they
> > follow Postel's Law (a.k.a the "robustness principle"):
> > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robustness_principle
> >
> > To quote that^: "be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what
> > you accept from others"
> >
> > People trying to express ranked ballots could drop the scores, and
> > ONLY include ">" and "=" as a delimiter between candidates,  People
> > trying to express rated ballots could use commas (",") instead of ">"
> > and "=". Programmers trying to parse handcrafted scenarios could
> > figure out how to fill in the blanks.
> >
> > I'm tempted to write a reference parser for this, but first, what do
> > you all think?  Let the list know!  Let me know!  Let reddit know!
> > :-D
> >
> > Thanks
> > Rob
> >
> > p.s.  I'm thinking of calling my version "ABIF", standing for
> > "Aggregated Ballot Image Format".  I may just document it here:
> > https://electowiki.org/wiki/User:RobLa/ABIF
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------
> >
> > Subject: Digest Footer
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Election-Methods mailing list
> > Election-Methods at lists.electorama.com
> > http://lists.electorama.com/listinfo.cgi/election-methods-electorama.com
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------
> >
> > End of Election-Methods Digest, Vol 202, Issue 7
> > ************************************************
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