[EM] Calculated failure/success rates using randomized ballots and candidates
Jan Kok
jan.kok.5y at gmail.com
Mon Jan 4 15:03:58 PST 2021
Please consider merging your code with Warren D. Smith's election simulator
available at https://www.rangevoting.org/IEVS/IEVS.c
On Mon, Jan 4, 2021 at 12:15 AM VoteFair <electionmethods at votefair.org>
> I've written a C++ program that generates randomized ballots, feeds
> these ballots to a separate program that calculates a winner according
> to various vote-counting methods, compares the results, and calculates
> failure/success rates.
> The program does two kinds of tests:
> * IIA: Tests successes/failures according to the Independence of
> Irrelevant Alternatives (IIA) criterion. Specifically it calculates
> which candidate would win with all the candidates, and then it removes
> each of the non-winning candidates, one by one, to test whether a
> different candidate would win. If any of the comparisons yield a
> different result -- such as a 6-candidate contest giving a different
> winner compared to the 7-candidate contest that uses the same ballots
> (with one candidate omitted in the 6-candidate contest) -- then that's
> counted as one failure.
> * "Agree/Disagree": Tests how often one counting method yields a winner
> who is the same as, or different from, the winner according to another
> vote-counting method.
> The randomized ballots assume that the voters are expressing their
> sincere preferences, without any tactical voting, and without ranking or
> rating two candidates at the same preference level.
> For both tests, when a tie occurs for the winner of either test case,
> the tied case is ignored. This means ties do not count as a failure or
> a success.
> For my purposes I've used 4,000 randomized cases per test, and each test
> uses 17 ballots. Unless otherwise specified, the test (or full test in
> the case of IIA) uses 7 candidates.
> The Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives (IIA) success rate of the
> Condorcet-Kemeny method is 79%, which is a failure rate of 21%.
> The IIA success rates of the following methods are all about 1% or 2%,
> which is a failure rate of 99% or 98%:
> * IRV: Instant Runoff Voting
> * IPE: Instant Pairwise Elimination (described in ElectoWiki)
> * IRMPL: Instant Runoff Minus Pairwise Loser, which uses PLE (see below)
> as a safety net under IRV.
> * STAR: Score Then Automatic Runoff
> Another method, PLE, which is an abbreviation for Pairwise Loser
> Elimination, has a calculated 100% success rate, which is zero failures.
> This method successively eliminates the Condorcet loser, one round at
> a time, and stops with a tie when it encounters a Condorcet
> (rock-paper-scissors-like) cycle. This perfect success rate occurs
> because tied cases are ignored, which leaves only cases that have no
> cycles at any level, which means the method finds the Condorcet winner
> in both the 7-candidate case and the 6-candidate case.
> Conclusion: Methods that eliminate one candidate at a time frequently
> fail the Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives (IIA) criterion. In
> contrast, the Condorcet-Kemeny method, which uses all the pairwise
> counts (not just the biggest or smallest pairwise counts or differences
> between pairwise counts), yields a dramatically better IIA success rate.
> Important: In real elections the success rates would be higher -- there
> would be fewer failures -- because real elections have meaningful
> differences between candidates. Remember that this software randomizes
> the ballots without any bias. This means that almost all the test cases
> are "semi-balanced" or "sitting on the fence" (or maybe "finding the
> highest sand dune rather than finding the highest mountain") kinds of
> cases.
> Advocates of STAR voting may claim these numbers are not meaningful for
> STAR voting because STAR voting uses Score ballots, not ranked ballots.
> (On Score ballots the gap between preference levels is significant.)
> Yet fans of STAR voting also claim that its use of a top-two runoff
> discourages tactical voting, particularly the tactic of favoring the use
> of high and low preference levels, and avoiding the use of middle
> preference levels. Keeping in mind that these tests assume the voters
> are voting sincerely, I believe these two claims are contradictory.
> (Feedback on this or any other part of this message is welcome.)
> Below are the results from the "Agree/Disagree" test, which in my tests
> compare the Condorcet-Kemeny winner with the winner from each of the
> indicated vote-counting methods. Specifically the "agree" percentages
> refer to matches with the Condorcet-Kemeny winner, and the "disagree"
> percentages apply when the method identifies a different winner. (By
> definition the Condorcet-Kemeny method would yield 100% agreement.)
> About the "ties" numbers specified in parentheses: They are counts out
> of 4,000 cases, not percentages. These tied cases are not counted in
> either the success or failure percentages.
> Note that when there are only two candidates, all the methods always agree.
> number of candidates: 2
> IPE agree/disagree: 100% 0% (0 ties)
> IRMPL agree/disagree: 100.0% 0% (0 ties)
> STAR agree/disagree: 100.0% 0% (0 ties)
> IRV agree/disagree: 100.0% 0% (0 ties)
> PLE agree/disagree: 100.0% 0% (0 ties)
> number of candidates: 3
> IPE agree/disagree: 95.1% 4.8% (0 ties)
> IRMPL agree/disagree: 95.7% 4.2% (0 ties)
> STAR agree/disagree: 95.2% 4.7% (296 ties)
> IRV agree/disagree: 93.0% 6.9% (643 ties)
> PLE agree/disagree: 100.0% 0% (286 ties)
> number of candidates: 4
> IPE agree/disagree: 92.5% 7.4% (59 ties)
> IRMPL agree/disagree: 91.3% 8.6% (9 ties)
> STAR agree/disagree: 94.8% 5.1% (440 ties)
> IRV agree/disagree: 84.0% 15.9% (1582 ties)
> PLE agree/disagree: 100.0% 0% (943 ties)
> number of candidates: 5
> IPE agree/disagree: 92.3% 7.6% (103 ties)
> IRMPL agree/disagree: 88.9% 11.0% (14 ties)
> STAR agree/disagree: 93.6% 6.3% (435 ties)
> IRV agree/disagree: 77.7% 22.2% (2485 ties)
> PLE agree/disagree: 100.0% 0% (1724 ties)
> number of candidates: 6
> IPE agree/disagree: 90.6% 9.3% (172 ties)
> IRMPL agree/disagree: 84.9% 15.0% (27 ties)
> STAR agree/disagree: 91.4% 8.5% (420 ties)
> IRV agree/disagree: 69.7% 30.2% (3203 ties)
> PLE agree/disagree: 100.0% 0% (2513 ties)
> number of candidates: 7
> IPE agree/disagree: 88.7% 11.2% (219 ties)
> IRMPL agree/disagree: 81.6% 18.3% (67 ties)
> STAR agree/disagree: 89.4% 10.5% (441 ties)
> IRV agree/disagree: 59.5% 40.4% (3517 ties)
> PLE agree/disagree: 100.0% 0% (3063 ties)
> As the number of candidates increases, the methods more often disagree
> with the Condorcet-Kemeny method. So the bottom numbers, where there
> are 7 candidates, are the most revealing.
> The bottom numbers show that IRV -- Instant Runoff Voting -- is the
> worst of these methods. It agrees in about 60 percent of the non-tie
> cases. The other three methods -- IPE, IRMPL, and STAR -- have similar
> success rates of about 80 or 90 percent.
> Of course this result -- that IRV is not a good vote-counting method --
> is not surprising. Yet it's nice to have numeric confirmation.
> Here are links to the two programs used in these tests:
> https://github.com/cpsolver/VoteFair-ranking-cpp/blob/master/generate_random_ballots.cpp
> https://github.com/cpsolver/VoteFair-ranking-cpp/blob/master/votefair_ranking.cpp
> My hope is that this software takes us a step closer to yielding numbers
> to better characterize HOW OFTEN each vote-counting method passes or
> fails each of the "fairness" criteria, the ones that are currently
> flagged as "yes" or "no" in this comparison table:
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_electoral_systems#Compliance_of_selected_single-winner_methods
> I realize the numbers calculated by my software are not suitable as
> estimates for real-life elections -- because randomized ballots and
> randomized candidates do not match real-life elections. Yet these
> calculated numbers provide a peek at ways to compare methods more
> meaningfully than just flagging methods as pass-or-fail.
> If you find any software bugs, please tell me, either here or on GitHub.
> Feedback is welcome. That's why I've posted these results here.
> Richard Fobes
> ----
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