[EM] Searching for references

Stéphane Rouillon stephane.rouillon at sympatico.ca
Thu Feb 22 12:00:42 PST 2018


I do not know if Forest Simmons or Rob Lanphier are still active on this list, however it should be the best place to find some help.
I am searching for specific references:
1) a site with 5 single-winner methods that lead to 5 different winners (from a personal website of a university teacher, Syracuse maybe),
anyone knows it?
2) typical references for approval, Concorcet, range and median single-winner methods.
3) typical literature reference for the latest attempts to generalize each of these to multi-winner proportional methods.

Thanks for any hint...
Stéphane Rouillon.

Envoyé de mon iPhone

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