[EM] Anti-defection strategy device for IBIFA

C.Benham cbenham at adam.com.au
Fri Nov 4 18:45:24 PDT 2016

On 11/5/2016 7:35 AM, Michael Ossipoff wrote:

> Let me completely define Conditional Approval. This definition is 
> brief enough to be a proposal for a 1st reform from Plurality:
> Conditional Approval:
> You can approve as many or as few candidates as you want to, by 
> marking their names, on the ballot.
> You also have a place on the ballot where you can indicate your favorite.
> (in a variation of these rules, you could indicate more than one 
> favorite if you want to.)
> For any approval that you give, you have the option of marking it as 
> "conditional".
> A conditional vote is given only if the vote-receiving candidate is 
> designated favorite on more ballots than is your ballot's 
> favorite-designated candidate.
> (...or (if ballots are allowed to designate more than one favorite) on 
> more ballots than is the candidate favorite-designated on your ballot 
> who is favorite-designated on the most ballots.)
> The winner is the candidate with the most approvals.

If you are only allowed to designate one candidate as your favourite, I 
don't see how the method meets FBC.

And with no mechanism for sometimes not counting normal below-top 
approval the method fails Majority Favourite.

So I judge this to be much worse than 3-slot  "Conditional" IBIFA or MTA 
or MCA.

Chris Benham

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