[EM] An idealized DSV method in the spirit of XA

Jameson Quinn jameson.quinn at gmail.com
Thu Nov 3 05:37:00 PDT 2016

As far as I can tell, this is not just "in the spirit of" XA, it is in fact
identical to XA.

2016-11-02 18:46 GMT-04:00 Forest Simmons <fsimmons at pcc.edu>:

> Vote score ballots.
> For each ballot B the method is used recursively to determine what the
> average scores of the candidates would be if that ballot were not included
> in the election.  Then the scores of ballot B are adjusted to B' so that if
> it (B') were averaged in (as one additional ballot, weighted accordingly)
> it would improve the previous averages (towards the ratings of ballot B) as
> much as possible.
> The final ratings arre the average scores of the respective adjusted
> ballots.
> This method is almost surely intractable computationally, but it has the
> spiit of XA.  I believe that for a large diverse collection of Score
> ballots XA would give an excellent approximation to the result of this
> recursive method.
> ----
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