[EM] UK "post mortem" with an 'initiative' requiring a 'referendum'

steve bosworth stevebosworth at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 22 11:59:41 PDT 2015

> Date: Sun, 21 Jun 2015 13:17:40 +0300
> From: Juho Laatu juho.laatu at gmail.com
> To: EM <election-methods at lists.electorama.com>
> Subject: Re: [EM] UK electoral systems "post mortem" discussion on
> 	radio
> Message-ID: D457C12F-FBE7-4FA1-BC8E-ECEE1BCAE55E at gmail.com

Let me thank both Kristofer and Juho for their helpful realism concerning the practical possibilities of achieving electoral reforms.  I would only want to add  the reminder that some 20 states in the USA (like California) legally would allow their citizens to change their existing electoral system as a result of a majority vote in a referendum that had been required by enough of their citizens earlier signing the relevant 'initiative'.  In these states, citizens could vote for Thanksgiving even when the current politicians (i.e.the turkeys) are refusing to do so.

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