[EM] betterpolls.com relaunched

Brian Olson bql at bolson.org
Mon Dec 7 10:03:28 PST 2015

I have relaunched my election tool

It’s a simplified and streamlined tool now. It’s currently only single-winner elections with ranked or rated ballots counted by Virtual Round Robin (Condorcet’s method) or my pet method Instant Runoff Normalized Ratings.

It’s all about social networking now. It requires a Google or Facebook id to create a poll or to vote[1][2]. There are lots of buttons for sharing a poll.

On the TODO list:
* multi-winner elections via STV or proportional Instant Runoff Normalized Ratings.
* vote analytics, showing histograms of how people voted on each choice
* hidden-until-poll-close results
* anonymized vote data dump
* Anything else I missed? Any feature requests?

[1] Yes, a really motivated person could vote twice, or make more accounts and vote more often. For now I’m not worrying about that.
[2] Some people will be dissuaded from using the tool to create polls or vote because of this requirement. This feels like a pretty small minority of the internet right now. I may yet add back username-password login accounts, but it simplifies things for me to not do that. Some pretty big parts of the internet aren’t even as generous as offering both options and require Facebook login to do anything.

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