[EM] Conceiving a Democratic Electoral Process (Primary Thoughts)

Fred Gohlke fredgohlke at verizon.net
Mon Jul 2 08:59:08 PDT 2012

Hi, Michael

re: "... given the assumption of equality, the party leader is
      formally on a level with any party member.  Each has a
      single vote at each step of the primary, including


This leads to the obvious question of "How?", but asking it may be 

re: "Each has the same primary electorate.  It is therefore
      likely that each will make the same decision and sponsor
      the same candidate."

Why is that likely?

It seems no more likely than that everybody will order chocolate ice 
cream.  I've never cared much for pistachio but it persists, in spite of 
my disregard for it.

re: "If true, what effect would it have on the parties?"

I don't think I can answer the question (at this point).  It would seem 
that each party would start with a different core and initially propose 
different candidates.  Thereafter, the decisions of the party members 
would be influenced by the non-partisans.  The influence would almost 
certainly be toward the center because each party can be expected to 
already harbor the most extreme advocates of the party's position. 
However, the degree of influence would change rapidly with time and 
circumstance, so the result cannot be certain.

re: "The next step in its (democracy's) evolution could easily
      see their (political parties) elimination."

Oh, my!  Oh, my!

I must question the use of 'easily'.  There has been nothing 'easy' 
about your work over the past umpteen years - or my own - (he said with 
a smile).


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