[EM] [CES #3835] condorcet & range voting -- which one yields more condorcet winners?

Warren Smith warren.wds at gmail.com
Tue Oct 11 17:33:16 PDT 2011

On Tue, Oct 11, 2011 at 8:19 AM, Jameson Quinn <jameson.quinn at gmail.com> wrote:
> Note that the "more Condorcet-like than Condorcet" is only true for Range if
> voters are strategic and somewhat knowledgeable about the polls. It is true
> for Majority Judgment under the same conditions, but also when any fraction
> of voters are honest and ideology is one dimensional; I believe that it
> holds for N dimensions but I have not proven it. It is true for SODA if most
> voters agree with their candidate's rankings. I believe that these
> conditions for MJ and SODA are broader than the conditions for Range.
> Jameson

--But wait -- the simulations in


found that TopMedianRating returned fewer Condorcet winners than
average-based range voting.
I believe these sims were conducted with random tie-breaking though
(not Balinski-Laraki
nonrandom tiebreak method).

Maybe you should do sims first, emit flames second.

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