[EM] TTPD,TR (an FBC complying ABE solution?)

MIKE OSSIPOFF nkklrp at hotmail.com
Mon Nov 21 13:15:48 PST 2011

That would be a big improvement, if FBC, and non-failure in the ABE, can be gotten without
the criticisms that opponents could use against MMPO and MDDTR. Such a method would be worth offering
as a first proposal even if it's a little more complicated than MTA, because it's worth
a try due to its major advantages, whereby no one could think they need to bury a favorite, and
I could vote a not-really-likeable compromise over the worst candidates without any strategic hesitation.
The fact that one isn't giving as much to a non-bottom-ranked candidate qualifies more candidates
as an electoral "lesser-evil", making it easier to defeat greater-evils.


You said:

Also, it's not really important


...but important enough for you to make an issue about?

You continued:

, but I've repeatedly pointed out that the
term "chicken dilemma" is a more descriptive name for this situation, and
also (as far as I know) one which has precedence.


Take it easy. Call it what you want. I've been referring to it according to where I'd
heard it.

Mike Ossipoff 		 	   		  

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