[EM] Criterion-compliance table. Method merit order. Polling and proposing methods.

C.Benham cbenhamau at yahoo.com.au
Sat Nov 12 11:07:31 PST 2011

Mike Ossipoff wrote (11 Nov 2011):

> Let me know if there are errors in the following table:
> MAP is Mono-Add-Plump. MAT is Mono-Add-Top. ABE means that the method 
> passes in the Approval Bad Example.
> =========================================================================================
> ................FBC...3P...1CM...SDSC...UP...MAP...MAT...Participation...SFC...ABE
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Approval........Yes...No...No....No.....No...Yes...Yes...Yes.............No....No
> MTA.............Yes...Yes..Yes...No.....No...Yes...Yes...No..............No....No
> MCA.............Yes...Yes..Yes...No.....No...Yes...Yes...No..............No....No
> SMDTR...........Yes...Yes..Yes...No.....No...Yes....?.....?..............No....No
> IBIFA...........Yes...Yes..Yes...No.....No...Yes...No....No..............No....No
> MDDA............Yes...Yes..Yes...No.....No...No....No....No..............Yes...No
> ABucklin........Yes...Yes..Yes...Yes....Yes..Yes...Yes...Yes.............No....No
> MDD,ABucklin....Yes...Yes..Yes...Yes....Yes..No....No....No..............Yes...No
> MDDTR...........Yes...No...No....No.....No...No....No....No..............Yes...Yes


A quick partial reply.  SMD,TR fails Mono-add-top and so therefore also 

8: C
3: F
2: X>F
2: Y>F
2: Z>F

F wins after all other candidates are disqualified, but if  2 F>C 
ballots are
added C wins

ER-Bucklin(whole), "ABucklin" on your chart, fails Participation as 
shown by this demonstration
from Kevin Venzke (which also applies to MCA, MTA, and "MDD,ABucklin"):

5: A>B
4: B>C

A is a majority favorite and wins.

But add these in:
2: C>A

There is no majority favorite and B wins in the second round.

IBIFA meets "UP" provided ballots with enough slots to enable voters to 
strictly rank all the candidates
are used.

I strongly disagree with your suggested method "merit order", and I'll 
explain how and why in a later post.

Chris Benham

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