[EM] Dealing with people making malformed low-information posts and the offending posters (Was [Off Topic] Banning those Me-Tooing like brain-dead AOLers [/Off Topic])

⸘Ŭalabio‽ Walabio at MacOSX.Com
Thu Nov 10 01:21:29 PST 2011

	“Kevin Venzke” <Stepjak at Yahoo.Fr>:

> 	This is a pretty stupid post.

	The trouble is that you do not know your popculture.  When I lived it up with the quotation of “Weird Al” Yankovic, I decided to make the subject part of the subject because everyone should get it on first sight.

> 	Worse than the one where you suggested some?readers should kill themselves.

	I never suggested that posters kill themselves.  I challenge you and all other readers to cite an instance of me doing that.

> 	I couldn't even tell what this one was talking about until I followed the link.

	Again, ¿how was I supposed to know that you missed the whole 1990s?  I renamed the thread, so you should not be confused.  Although it kills a joke to explain it, I shall explain the reference in the song for you:

	Back in 1979, computureprogrammers created Usenet.  An Usenetnewsgroupserver was a computere where people would post email-like messages.  Like email, these messages had subjects and were threaded.  The servers shared messages with the newer messages displacing the older messages.  This acted as a bulletinboardsystem.  The people using it were intelligent and either had dgrees or were in University working on degrees.

	In 1993, AOL connected to Usenet.  The AOLers were mentally deficient and uneducated.  The went around replying to long complicated posts with “¡Me Too!”, followed by quoting the whole message.  These brain-dead metoo AOLers ruined Usenet.

	When “It’s All About the Pentiums” came out in 1999, everyone got the reference.  Whenever some idiot metoos like a brain-dead AOLer, these lines, from the song, immediately come to mind:

	“¡And postin’, ‘¡Me Too!’, like some brain-dead AOL-er!”
	“¡I should do the world a favor and cap you like Old Yeller!”
	“¡You’re just about as useless as JPEGs to Hellen Keller!”
	“Weird Al” Yankovic

	Most people even with no knowledge of the song, you have got that this section of the post was comic relief before going onto the next serious section by the smily face.  ;-)

	I have an antimovie recommendation for you:

	Do not see Paul.  You will not get it.  The whole movie will go right over your head.  ¡Swish!

> 	Kevin


	Post Scriptum:

	It just occurred to me that you may not get the reference to “Old Yeller”:

	Old Yeller is a 1956-book.  Disney made a movie about it in 1957.  It has a dod named Old Yeller in it.  An human named Travis has to euthanize Old Yeller because of rabies.  The manner of euthanasia is rifeshot.

	You might want to study cultural references.  You are as confused as Picard in Darmok.  I know that you do not get the reference.  I recommend that you search for “Darmok” on the internet.

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