[EM] Yee diagrams and Condorcet

Kristofer Munsterhjelm km_elmet at lavabit.com
Wed Jul 13 23:12:19 PDT 2011

fsimmons at pcc.edu wrote:
> If we abandon the Euclidean metric, then we also abandon Voronoi
> Polygons; the corresponding idea for more general metrics is that of
> a Dirichlet region.

That's strange. The Wikipedia article on Voronoi diagrams mention 
diagrams based on L_1 and Mahalanobis distance. Is the article being 
incorrect when it uses the term "Voronoi diagram" for these?

> It would be amusing to see Yee diagrams based on L_1 and L_infinity
> metrics

Warren made at least one, where he argued that since Range kept its L_2 
form when people voted according to L_1 distance, but Condorcet did not, 
Range was superior to Condorcet. See the bottom of 
http://rangevoting.org/BlackSingle.html .

To my knowledge, L_inf is just L_1 rotated.

> Think of the Huntington Hill method of apportionment that is used in
> this country after every census. How many voters understand its
> details?  Less than one in a thousand, but that doesn't matter; they
>  understand the proportionality goal of apportionment, and they are
> willing to let the experts take care of the details.

In that case, I think letting the experts decide produced the wrong 
outcome, and that Webster should have been used instead. But so it goes.

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