[EM] legislature size

Michael Allan mike at zelea.com
Tue Apr 26 09:42:47 PDT 2011

If you allow for proxy voting, then you might also allow for the
possibility of the electors participating directly in the legislative
process.  They might use a system of proxy voting to initiate, draft
and vote up their own bills.*  For those bills, the ideal size of the
-actual- legislature would probably be the size of the electorate (the
max size), while that of the formal legislature could be reduced to
one.  A single elected executive could efficiently oversee the
judicial review and promulgation of all elector-initiated bills.

In practice, most existing consitutional assemblies are probably
competent to take on both roles - official and elector-initiated
legislation - simultaneously.

 * A possible method is outlined here:

Michael Allan

Toronto, +1 416-699-9528

Michael Rouse wrote:
> If you were going to use a proxy-type voting system, you could  make the 
> following rules:
> 1. A successful candidate must have votes greater than or equal to the 
> square root of the total number of ballots cast.
> 2. The total number of successful candidate cannot be greater than the 
> fourth root of the total number of ballots cast (the square root of the 
> square root).
> In the 2008 election, 122,394,724 people voted for President. The first 
> rule  would mean that to be seated in the legislature, a candidate would 
> need at least 11,064 votes, and the maximum number of legislators would 
> be 105.
> Of course, if you wanted to be closer to Warren's 250 limit, you could 
> take twice the fourth root (~210) or half of the cube root (~248).  If 
> you were going to go the proxy (asset) route, there probably should be 
> some simple relation between the total votes cast, the minimum votes 
> needed to be elected, and the total number of legislators, without 
> fixing any single number in stone.

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