[EM] Redistricting, now with racial demographics

Brian Olson bql at bolson.org
Sat Jul 18 06:39:12 PDT 2009

As this isn't something I really want it's going to be hard to get  
motivated to work it out.
That said I think the way to go about it is to make unbiased districts  
by my current district, then pick one district with the highest  
proportion of the desired minority to elevate and adjust all the  
districts until that one has a majority of the desired minority.  
Repeat one district at a time until there are enough (some states  
require two or three I think).

On Jul 16, 2009, at 6:46 PM, Raph Frank wrote:

> Are you considering updating the algorithm to include majority
> minority districts?
> This would potentially decrease the legal issues with using it for  
> districting.

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