[EM] Why the concept of "sincere" votes in Range is flawed.

Kristofer Munsterhjelm km-elmet at broadpark.no
Wed Jan 28 08:55:49 PST 2009

Juho Laatu wrote:

> A = 1000
> B = 200
> max_support = 100
> C = 50
> approval = 30
> D = 1
> min_support = 0
> E = 0
> F = -100
> max_preference_strength = 10
> Approval interpretation is A=B=C>D=E=F.
> Range interpretation is A=B=100, C=50, D=1, E=F=0.
> Rankings interpretation is A>B>C>D>E>F.
> Rankings interpretation with preference strengths is A>B>C>D>(0.1)>E>F
> I'm not sure if anyone really wants
> all this. The first practical
> implementation might be a Condorcet
> election that covers also ratings
> data for polls.

If you're going to do Condorcet and Range comparisons, a simple Range 
ballot would suffice. Then, if candidate a has a lower score than b, in 
the transformed ranked ballot (to use for Condorcet), b > a.

It seems quite hard to defend the request for Range type information if 
such information isn't actually going to be used. Therefore, unless 
either Range or cardinal weighted pairwise is to be used, I agree with 
you: it would only be of polling use.

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