[EM] Fixing Range Voting

Kevin Venzke stepjak at yahoo.fr
Sun Oct 19 09:21:10 PDT 2008


--- En date de : Dim 19.10.08, Kristofer Munsterhjelm <km-elmet at broadpark.no> a écrit :
> > That being said, I think the most promising area of
> development here is 
> > based around the concept of a "conditional
> vote" that came up a few 
> > threads ago. The idea here being that individual
> ballots should "react" 
> > to a particular candidate being kicked out of the
> hopeful group or 
> > something like that.

Really lots of methods can be defined in that way. You're practically 
describing IRV for example.

A difficult thing is deciding on a good criterion for a candidate to
be eliminated.

And if you don't eliminate candidates outright, you have a problem in
that in some cases there will never naturally be stability: There are
always some ballots that want to adjust how they are being counted.

> DSV systems would do something like that. You'd submit
> an honest ballot, 
> and then the system would strategize maximally (not just
> for you, but 
> for all others), first on the honest information, then on
> the previous 
> round's strategic information, until the result
> settles. That would be a 
> sort of automatic conditional ballot. The idea would be
> that the system 
> or computer would be so good at strategizing on your behalf
> (for all 
> voters), that it wouldn't pay off to try to manually
> use strategy.

Many methods are designed with this goal of course. I could think of this
as the mentality behind the Condorcet criterion.

Kevin Venzke

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