[EM] Multiwinner Voting Methods Request

Raph Frank raphfrk at gmail.com
Thu Oct 16 02:47:01 PDT 2008

On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 5:02 AM, Greg Nisbet <gregory.nisbet at gmail.com> wrote:
> PBV Proportional Borda Voting (n!) I see no reason why it wouldn't work.
> PCV Proportional Condorcet Voting (n!) same comment as PBV

How do they work?
Also, do they meet the Droop proportionality criteron (or proportional
under solid coalition (k+1) criteron)?

Btw, IMO, CPO-STV and Schulze STV are proportional condorcet methods.
IIRC, both collapse to condorcet in the single winner case.

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