[EM] FW: IRV Challenge - Press Announcement

Jonathan Lundell jlundell at pobox.com
Tue Oct 7 18:24:01 PDT 2008

On Oct 7, 2008, at 3:46 PM, Markus Schulze wrote:

> I browsed through the links of that site. It is
> interesting to see that FairVote Minnesota is
> planning to use the claim, that all election
> methods violate monotonicity, even at court.
> They write: "The non-monotonicity argument is
> irrelevant because it applies to all voting
> systems." See:
> http://www.fairvotemn.org/sites/fairvotemn.org/files/IRV%20lawsuit_FVM%20Reply_0.pdf

Their specific argument, though, is that the existing two-round  
plurality system is non-monotonic; they don't actually rely on the  
argument that all voting systems are non-monotonic.

> And here they argue that IRV's violation of
> monotonicity results from Arrow's Theorem:
> http://www.fairvotemn.org/sites/fairvotemn.org/files/IRV%20lawsuit_City%20Reply.pdf

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