[EM] Idea for a free web service for (relatively) secure online voting

Michael Allan mike at zelea.com
Sun Oct 5 14:05:02 PDT 2008

Brian Olson wrote:
> I run http://betterpolls.com/ which is generally designed to take
> votes from random people on the internet, but can also do
> registered-voters-only.

Looks like Better Polls is for snap referenda.

> I hadn't seen zelea.com before...

(It's not a polling site.  It's just my domain name. :)

> ... It looks interesting but I'm not
> sure how to use it to actually run a vote on something.

Votorola is for executive elections, legislative voting, and stuff
like that.  You have to set up an electoral server in your city or
region, configure electoral districts, and so forth.


Michael Allan

Toronto, 647-436-4521

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