[Election-Methods] [Election Methods] Bucklin-like method suggestion (following from "MCA's IIB problem fixed")

Kevin Venzke stepjak at yahoo.fr
Tue May 27 07:30:36 PDT 2008

Hi Chris,

--- Chris Benham <cbenhamau at yahoo.com.au> a écrit :
> Kevin (and interested others),
> I'm interested in reaction to this suggestion for a method:
> Voters fill out ratings ballots with 4 or more fixed slots (or maybe
> with the number of slots being the number of candidates plus 1 or 2).
> (1) If the candidate T that is top-rated on the most ballots has a
> top-ratings
> (TR) score higher than T's maximum pairwise oppostion (PO) score,
> then elect T.
> (2) If  not, promote on all ballots any candidates in  the next-lowest
> rating
> slot to Top and recalculate TR and PO scores accordingly.
> (3) Repeat steps (1) and (2) until there is a winner.  End.

With this method, step 2 affects all TR and PO scores unpredictably. It
seems quite possible that with this vote:

A=B > ... > C

A is the "TRW" but cannot win due to his PO score, causing promotions that
result in candidate C winning. Whereas this vote:

B > ... > A=C

could instead result in B being the TRW who is able to win given his PO

ER-Bucklin(whole) avoids this situation by, at each stage, judging the TRW
by a standard that if he doesn't satisfy, no one with fewer TRs can satisfy

Kevin Venzke

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