[Election-Methods] [english 89%] Re: [english 95%] Re: [english 95%] Re: [english 94%]Re: method designchallenge+new method AMP

Diego Santos diego.renato at gmail.com
Mon May 5 07:23:50 PDT 2008

How about antiplurality?

2008/5/4 <raphfrk at netscape.net>:

> I was thinking of a possible modification to your system that may take the
> chances of C to 100%.
> 1) Each voter submits a ballot rating each candidate.
> 2) The initial probability of each candidate is set at the proportion of
> highest ratings they get (equal top ratings split equally)
> 3) For each candidate:
> Add a small increase in their probability
> Renormalise probabilities (so bring total back to 1)
> Determine number of voters who think this probability set is an
> improvement
> 4) If the change that has the greatest support has the support of more
> than (high)% of the voters, update the probabilities and goto 3
> 5) Randomly draw a candidate based on the final probabilities
> The threshold for step 4 might be set at 90%.
> So under your system, the voters might submit:
> 51: A(100) B(52) C(0)
> 49: A(0) B(52) C(0)
> The initial probabilities are
> A: 51%
> B: 0%
> C: 49%
> Adding 1% to A would have the support of the A voters
> Adding 1% to B would have the support of the B voters
> Adding 1% to C would give
> A: 50.495%
> B: 1%
> C: 49.505%
> 100% voters consider that an improvement.
> This should be true the whole way until C gets to 100%
> A: 0.51%
> B: 0.49%
> C: 99%
> A voter's utility => 0.51*100 + 99*52 = 5199
> B voter's utility => 0.49*100 + 99*52 = 5197
> After
> A: 0%
> B: 0%
> C: 100%
> A voter's utility => 100*52 = 5200
> B voter's utility => 100*52 = 5200
> 100% of voters think it is an improvement.
> If A voters voted
> A(100) B(0) C(0)
> the the results would be
> Initial
> A: 51%
> B: 49%
> C: 0%
> Reducing the probability of A winning would represent a decrease in the
> utility from the perspective of the A voters (according to their votes).
> This means that no change would be approved by 90%+ of the voters and thus
> the initial probabilities would be the final ones.
> This is not as good from the A supporters, so they would be advised to
> vote honestly.
> The 90% rule prevents hold-outs and increases the chances that a single
> winner occurs with 100% probability.
> I am not sure if there a way for the A supporters to shift the result to a
> non-certain winner that they like better.
>  Raphfrk
> --------------------
> Interesting site
> "what if anyone could modify the laws"
> www.wikocracy.com
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Diego Renato dos Santos
Mestrando em Ciência da Computação
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