[Election-Methods] Partisan Politics

Fred Gohlke fredgohlke at verizon.net
Sat Mar 29 16:46:31 PDT 2008

Good Evening, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax

I prefer to exchange views with you on the Election-Methods site.

The way we select those who represent us in our government is critical 
to our society, which embodies all manner of people.  To create an 
effective political structure I'm anxious to get thoughtful criticism 
from as many of those people as possible.  After all, none of us have 
all the answers.

I get the impression you disagree with my posts.  Since my only hope of 
improving the method I outlined lays in learning its flaws, I would be 
gratified if you'd describe the shortcomings you see, so I may consider 

I rarely change an opinion just because someone disagrees with it, but I 
change it quicker than I change my socks when presented with a rational 
foundation for doing so.  That's how I learn from those who disagree 
with me.


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