[Election-Methods] RE : FW: How does the Schulze Method and Ranking Pairs work?

Kevin Venzke stepjak at yahoo.fr
Tue Sep 4 05:51:34 PDT 2007

Chris and John,

--- Kevin Venzke <KVenzke at markjamesassociates.com> a écrit :
> The Schwartz set is the smallest non-empty set of candidates none of 
> whose members are pairwise beaten by any outside-the-set candidate/s.

Actually Schwartz is the union of such sets. There can be more than one,
such as when all the candidates are tied with each other.

You can also say that Schwartz consists of every candidate who has a
path of pairwise victories leading to any candidate who defeats him.

Suppose A-B and B-C are tied, but A defeats C. Then the Smith set contains
all three candidates while the Schwartz set only contains A and B.

Kevin Venzke

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