[EM] "Possible Approval Winner" set/criterion (was "Juho--Margins fails Plurality. WV passes.")
Chris Benham
chrisjbenham at optusnet.com.au
Tue Mar 13 09:35:22 PDT 2007
Juho wrote:
> The "Possible Approval Winner" criterion looks actually quite natural
> in the sense that it compares the results to what Approval voting
> could have achieved.
I'm glad you think so.
> The definition of the criterion contains a function that can be used
> to evaluate the candidates (also for other uses) - the possibility and
> strength of an approval win. This function can be modified to support
> also cardinal ratings.
> In the first example there is only one entry (11: A>B) that can vary
> when checking the Approval levels. B can be either approved or not. In
> the case of cardinal ratings values could be 1.0 for A, 0.0 for C and
> anything between 0.0001 and 0.9999 for B. Or without normalization the
> values could be any values between 0.0. and 1.0 as long as value(A) >
> value(B) > value (C). With the cardinal ratings version it is possible
> to check what the "original utility values" leading to this group of
> voters voting A>B could have been (and if the outcome is achievable in
> some cardinal ratings based method, e.g. max average rating).
This concept looks vulnerable to some weak irrelevant candidate being
added to the top of some ballots, displacing a candidate down to
second preference and maybe thereby causing it to fall out of the set
of "possible winners". It probably has other problems regarding
properties, and I can't see any use for it.
Chris Benham
> The "Possible Approval Winner" criterion looks actually quite natural
> in the sense that it compares the results to what Approval voting
> could have achieved.
> The definition of the criterion contains a function that can be used
> to evaluate the candidates (also for other uses) - the possibility and
> strength of an approval win. This function can be modified to support
> also cardinal ratings.
> In the first example there is only one entry (11: A>B) that can vary
> when checking the Approval levels. B can be either approved or not. In
> the case of cardinal ratings values could be 1.0 for A, 0.0 for C and
> anything between 0.0001 and 0.9999 for B. Or without normalization the
> values could be any values between 0.0. and 1.0 as long as value(A) >
> value(B) > value (C). With the cardinal ratings version it is possible
> to check what the "original utility values" leading to this group of
> voters voting A>B could have been (and if the outcome is achievable in
> some cardinal ratings based method, e.g. max average rating).
> The max average rating test is actually almost as easy to make as the
> PAW test. Note that my description of the cardinal ratings for
> candidate B had a slightly different philosophy. It maintained the
> ranking order of the candidates, which makes direct mapping from the
> cardinal values to ordinal values possible. The results are very
> similar to those of the approval variant but the cardinal utility
> values help making a more direct comparison with the "original
> utilities" of the voters.
> Now, what is the value of these comparisons when evaluating the
> different Condorcet methods. These measures could be used quite
> straight forward in evaluating the performance of the Condorcet
> methods if one thinks that the target of the voting method is to
> maximise the approval of the winner or to seek the best average
> utility. This need not be the case in all Condorcet elections (but is
> one option). There are several utility functions that the Condorcet
> completion methods could approximate. The Condorcet criterion itself
> is majority oriented. Minmax method minimises the strength of interest
> to change the selected winner to one of the other candidates. Approval
> and cardinal ratings have somewhat different targets than the majority
> oriented Condorcet criterion and some of the common completion
> methods, but why not if those targets are what is needed (or if they
> bring other needed benefits like strategy resistance).
> I find it often useful to link different methods and criteria to
> something more tangible like concrete real life compatible examples or
> to some target utility functions (as in the discussion above). One key
> reason for this is that human intuition easily fails when dealing with
> the cyclic structures (that are very typical cases when studying the
> Condorcet methods). In this case it seems that PAW and corresponding
> cardinal utility criterion lead to different targets/utility than e.g.
> the minmax(margins) "required additional votes to become the Condorcet
> winner" philosophy. Maybe the philosophy of PAW is to respect clear
> majority decisions (Condorcet criterion) but go closer to the
> Approval/cardinal ratings style evaluation when the majority opinion
> is not clear. You may have different targets in your mind but for me
> this was the easiest interpretation.
> Juho
> P.S. One example.
> 1: A>B
> 1: C
> Here B could be an Approval winner (tie) but not a max average rating
> winner in the "ranking maintaining style" that was discussed above
> (since the rating of B must be marginally smaller than the rating of A
> in the first ballot).
> On Mar 7, 2007, at 16:28 , Chris Benham wrote:
>> Juho wrote (March7, 2007):
>>>The definition of plurality criterion is a bit confusing. (I don't
>>>claim that the name and content and intention are very natural
>>>either :-).)
>>>- http://wiki.electorama.com/wiki/Plurality_criterion talks about
>>>candidates "given any preference"
>>>- Chris refers to "above-bottom preference votes" below
>>> /If the number of ballots ranking /A/ as the first preference is
>>> greater than the number
>>> of ballots on which another candidate /B/ is given any preference,
>>> then /B/ must not be elected./
>>>Electowiki definition could read: "If the number of voters ranking A
>>>as the first preference is greater than the number of voters ranking
>>>another candidate B higher than last preference, then B must not be
>> Yes it could and to me it in effect does (provided "last" means "last
>> or equal-last") The criterion come
>> from Douglas Woodall who economises on axioms so doesn't use one that
>> says that with three candidates
>> A,B,C a ballot marked A>B>C must always be regarded as exactly the
>> same thing as A>B truncates. He
>> assumes that truncation is allowed but above bottom equal-ranking isn't.
>> A similar criterion of mine is the "Possible Approval Winner" criterion:
>> "Assuming that voters make some approval distinction among the
>> candidates but none among those
>> they equal-rank (and that approval is consistent with ranking) the
>> winner must come from the set of
>> possible approval winners".
>> This assumes that a voter makes some preference distinction among the
>> candidates, and that truncated
>> candidates are equal-ranked bottom and so never approved.
>> Looking at a profile it is very easy to test for: considering each
>> candidate X in turn, pretend that the
>> voters have (subject to how the criterion specifies) placed their
>> approval cutoffs/thresholds in the way
>> most favourable for X, i.e. just below X on ballots that rank X above
>> bottom and on the other ballots
>> just below the top ranked candidate/s, and if that makes X the
>> (pretend) approval winner then X is
>> in the PAW set and so permitted to win by the PAW criterion.
>>11: A>B
>>07: B
>>12: C
>> So in this example A is out of the PAW set because in applying the
>> test A cannot be more approved
>> than C.
>> IMO, methods that use ranked ballots with no option to specify an
>> approval cutoff and rank among
>> unapproved candidates should elect from the intersection of the PAW
>> set and the Uncovered set
>> One of Woodall's "impossibility theorems" states that is impossible
>> to have all three of Condorcet,
>> Plurality and Mono-add-Top. MinMax(Margins) meets Condorcet and
>> Mono-add-Top.
>> Winning Votes also fails the Possible Approval Winner (PAW)
>> criterion, as shown by this interesting
>> example from Kevin Venzke:
>>35 A
>>10 A=B
>>30 B>C
>>25 C
>>A>B 35-30, B>C 40-25, C>A 55-45
>>Both Winning Votes and Margins elect B, but B is outside the PAW set{A,C}.
>>Applying the test to B, we get possible approval scores of A45, B40, C25.
>>ASM(Ranking) and DMC(Ranking) and Smith//Approval(Ranking) all meet the Definite
>>Majority(Ranking) criterion which implies compliance with PAW. The DM(R) set is
>>{C}, because interpreting ranking (above bottom or equal-bottom) as approval, both
>>A and B are pairwise beaten by more approved candidates.
>>Chris Benham
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