[EM] Linked issues, 1-dimensional political spectrum (correcting Ossipoff AGAIN)

Warren Smith wds at math.temple.edu
Fri Feb 23 16:08:29 PST 2007

Right after I pointed out that Ossipoff was repeating a falsehood
about Condorcet, and went to the trouble of making an executive summary webpage
to correct him in less space

Ossipoff then repested the same falsehood AGAIN 17 hours later.

How long will this continue?  Mike, let me put it to you as simply as I can.
Condorcet does not elect SU-maximizing winner.  Even if
one dimensional. even if correlated.  Even if linked.  Even if you
say it again and again and never ever read the simple counterexample
I posted just for you.   

With considerable irritation,
Warren D. Smith

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