[EM] Re: Citation for immunity to strategic voting?

Rob LeGrand honky1998 at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 3 15:04:00 PDT 2005

Andrew Myers wrote:
> Is there any stronger statement that can be made for strategic
> immunity of specific completion methods, ideally ones that
> satisfy the summability criterion?

Maybe your best bet would be to show that the general problem of
manipulating a given election method by voting insincerely is NP-
hard.  See

Bartholdi III, John J., Craig A. Tovey and Michael A. Trick.  The
computational difficulty of manipulating an election.  Social
Choice and Welfare, 6(3):227-241, 1989.

Rob LeGrand, psephologist
rob at approvalvoting.org
Citizens for Approval Voting

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