[EM] compulsory voting

Anthony Duff anthony_duff at yahoo.com.au
Sun Oct 16 23:43:18 PDT 2005

--- Stephane Rouillon <stephane.rouillon at sympatico.ca> wrote:
> I am against compulsory voting and compulsory full ranking.

I am for compulsory voting, and against compulsory full ranking.

> Not going to vote is the only way left to voters that want to say
> all candidates are bad,

No, you can write to a newspaper, tell your friends, harrass the
financial backers of the no-good candidates.

>  except when a None option is provided
I also support the "None" entry among the candidates.

I see compulsory voting as a method for eliminating any bias in
tendancy to vote among the voters.  An example of a problem bias is
this: Rich people in rich areas have nicer cars, nicer roads and
nicer voting places making it easier for them to vote.  Compulsory
voting is a blunt solution, but it is a solution.

By compulsory voting, I mean there is compulsion to attend a polling
booth and stand in line like everyone else.  How you complete your
vote, or not, is a private matter.


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