[EM] compulsory voting

Stephane Rouillon stephane.rouillon at sympatico.ca
Sat Oct 15 14:30:07 PDT 2005

I am against compulsory voting and compulsory full ranking.

Not going to vote is the only way left to voters that want to say
all candidates are bad, except when a None option is provided
(which should always be the case so we could know the
level of approbation from the electorate in regard to the result).

Truncation is an appropriate response that allows as much as candidates
that want to run without making voters lose their time in useless
in their eye.  It allows to maximize both the representation, by giving
choices, and voter social utility because a certain fraction (it depends
every case) find sometime more useful to spend time on someting else
than filling a ballot and some other voters don't.  Everyone (lazy
compelled voter, losing from the start candidate and potential winner)
is free to maximize its personal goal within the respect of the freedom
of others.

If antenna time during the election was provided proportional to
official surveys
and the election system would be an immune to cloning method (PR for
multiple winners),
we could finally reach a real democratic process...


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