[EM] Re: Rob: MDDA vs BeatpathWinner

Dave Ketchum davek at clarityconnect.com
Sat Oct 8 21:17:44 PDT 2005

I second Paul's words.  When I can find more time to invest in elections, 
doing better with the top ranks for the more important offices is more 
worth doing.

However ranking lower ranks without evaluating is destructive for, it can 
help some of them win - which I neither desire nor want to influence 
without studying enough to understand.


On Sat, 8 Oct 2005 21:30:30 -0500 Paul Kislanko wrote:

> All of the gobblydegoog aside, to Rob - we don't care what you want, us
> voters want to NOT have to rank all altertantives. I want to list only the
> ones I find acceptable in the order I prefer them. Any method that
> "encourages" me to rank all alterntatives whether I know anything about them
> or care about them will just encourage me to not vote.  

  davek at clarityconnect.com    people.clarityconnect.com/webpages3/davek
  Dave Ketchum   108 Halstead Ave, Owego, NY  13827-1708   607-687-5026
            Do to no one what you would not want done to you.
                  If you want peace, work for justice.

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