Fixing the SFC definition on Electowiki (Re: [EM] Rob reply: FBC vs CC. SFC. RV.,)

Rob Lanphier robla at
Mon Oct 3 22:14:56 PDT 2005

I think Mike and I are just going to have to agree to disagree on most
of the points from his previous mail.  However, there's one thing I'd
like the group to straighten out:

I wrote, regarding this definition of SFC on Electowiki
( ):
> I'm trying to see how this:
> "If a Condorcet candidate exists, and if a majority prefers this
> candidate to another candidate, then the other candidate should not win
> if that majority votes sincerely and no other voter falsifies any
> preferences."
> .../always/ leads to this:

> "SFC requires that the majority of voters who prefer the Condorcet
> candidate to another particular candidate vote sincerely (neither
> falsify nor truncate their preferences), and it also requires that no
> other voter falsifies preferences"

Mike took exception to defending that correlation, since he didn't write
it.  Fine.  Could someone step forward and defend this before I delete
it from Electowiki?

If the second statement is false, I'd like to understand how the
"Strategy Free Criterion" can be truthfully called "Strategy Free".


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