[EM] What SFC & SDSC mean for rank methods

MIKE OSSIPOFF nkklrp at hotmail.com
Sun Oct 23 15:18:04 PDT 2005

SFC and SDSC don't just appy to rank methods. They apply to all methods, 
meaninfully and seamlessly. All non-ranked methods (and most rank methods) 
fail those criteria for exactly the reasons why one would expect.

But they have a special meaning for rank methods. Critics of pairwise-count 
methods, including Condorcet, criticize these methods for the offensive 
strategies that are possible. Offensive order-reversal and truncation. Some 
complain that these strategies create a strategic mess.

With margins yes, but not wiith wv. Most of those critics don't know about 
wv, and how it deals with those strategies. My point is that resistance to 
those strategies is crucial for offering pairwise-count methods to people.

Actually, pairwise-count methods don't even have a problem unless there's 
truncation or offensive order-reverssal. So you'd have to agree that dealing 
with those strategies is very relevant.

SFC, pairwise-count methods, is about resistance to truncation. SDSC, for 
pairwise-count methods, is about the question of whether offensive 
order-reversal can be thwarted and penalized by mere defensive truncation.

Methods that pass those criteria deal best with the only two problems that 
pairwise-count methosd have. The deal best with the main criticisms that 
opponents use against pairwise-count methods.

There have been a few traditionalists here who object to FBC, SFC, GSFC, & 
SDSC because they can't find them in a journal. But SFC, GSFC, & SDSC are 
the measure of how pairwise-count methods deal with the only problems that 
pairwise-count methods have. And FBC refers to the worst kind of 

Also, when compared side-by-side with Condorcet's criterion, SFC is shown to 
be a more realistic and useful version of Condorcet's Criterion.

Mike Ossipoff

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