[EM] Re: fixing DMC page on electowiki

Araucaria Araucana araucaria.araucana at gmail.com
Tue May 10 10:25:44 PDT 2005

On  9 May 2005 at 18:02 UTC-0700, Abd ul-Rahman Lomax wrote:
At 06:45 PM 5/9/2005, Araucaria Araucana wrote:
>>Some anonymous person from IP location modified the
>>Definite Majority Choice page
>>(http://wiki.electorama.com/wiki/Definite_Majority_Choice) a couple of
>>days ago, changing
>>        The least-approved candidate in the definite majority set
>>        pairwise defeats ''all'' higher-approved candidates, including
>>        all other members of the definite majority set, and is the DMC
>>        winner.
>>        The most-approved candidate in the definite majority set
>>        pairwise defeats ''all'' higher-approved candidates, including
>>        all other members of the definite majority set, and is the DMC
>>        winner.
>>I'm changing it back to the original, since the change is incorrect.
> Let's just say that, if Mr. Araucana is correct, Definite Majority
> Choice is so thoroughly confusing that it will never be the Majority
> Choice, much less the Definite Majority Choice.... It's pretty
> confusing even if he is *not* correct.

Hi Abd, welcome to the list.

It appears that you are reading my comments out of context, and are
also misunderstand the intent of a wiki -- it is a *collaborative*
site.  See these links:

 "Why Wiki Works":        http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?WhyWikiWorks
 Wiki page on Wikipedia:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wiki

So ... have you read the entire web page?  What in particular do you
find confusing?  

On every electowiki page there is a tab near the top entitled
"discussion".  If you click there, you can add comments or questions.
I encourage you to do so, after creating a login account, of course.

Finally, note that comments are most welcome when they are well
considered and constructive.  

araucaria dot araucana at gmail dot com
Q = Qoph = "monkey/knot" -- see http://www.ship.edu/~cgboeree/alphabet.html

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