[EM] CWO may be worth fighting for

Jobst Heitzig heitzig-j at web.de
Wed Mar 23 15:05:50 PST 2005

Dear James!

I'm very confused about CWO. If I understand it correctly, it will not
at all help avoiding strategic voting but will rather introduce a new
and very drastic way to strategically alter the outcome! Assume there's
a cycle, like
  x A>B>C
  y B>C>A
  z C>A>B
with x,y,z < n/2, and assume that A wins. Then B would most certainly
withdraw in order to alter the outcome to C, since, like her supporters,
B will probably prefer C to A!

So, that makes CWO absolutely unacceptable for me! Only the winner may
withdraw in my opinion.

Yours, Jobst

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